Capturing MIPS


When MIPS measures are enabled, they will come up after you save your charge. 

Each measure is triggered by a combination of the patient’s age or gender, the charge code(s) and the diagnosis code(s). Because of these different triggers for each measure, you may see 1 measure, multiple measures, or none at all, depending on the mix of patient, charge & diagnosis.


Tap on the measure to be documented to get the options for that measure, then select the appropriate response. In this case, we will select “Meets Performance” for documenting current Medicines.

mceclip3.png mceclip1.png mceclip2.png 

Next, select the option given or choose the appropriate response if multiple options are presented. Once the first measure is completed, move to the next one. Follow all screen prompts including the exclusion prompts if selected.

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  • How do we go back to capture mips after skipping?

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  • Hi, Doctor! If you skip a MIPS measure, you can always complete them at a later time by tapping on the 3-Bar menu at the top left of MD Coder and selecting "My MIPS Patients" from the menu. You will be able tap on any patients with partial or incomplete measures to complete.

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