Listed below are the reports available with the Dialysis module. These are found under the Dialysis Reports tab.
Billing Productivity Report - shows # of charges posted in the following breakdown:
Charges week to date
Charges last week
Charges month to date
Charges last month
Charges year to date
Charges year to date by month
Dialysis Census
Select a date and location(s). Report lists Pt ID, name, # visits, MCP date, Unitname (location), attending, Dialysis Day/shift, Start Date
Dialysis Charge Exception Report - Lists Dialysis patients without a charge between selected dates. Shows Location, provider, Pt ID & Name, seen date visit type (MCP/Non-MCP)
Dialysis Disposition Report - Lists discharged patients w discharge reason. Shows Location, Pt ID & Name, start date, discharge date, discharge reason. Summary w/count by discharge reason.
Dialysis Patients Insurance Report (this report used only when a patient feed is rec’d from a hospital or treatment center with insurance information, or when the payer is added manually)
Lists patients by location, Dialysis Start date, Patient ID, patient name, primary ins, secondary ins
Dialysis Rounds Report – Lists patients by unit, by day/shift, visits show on date of service (dates run across the top of the page) page break after each unit
There is code on DOS to show simple visit/comprehensive visit – legend is at the bottom of the page.
Count of visits per patient in last column on right
Summary at end of list with count of visit 1, visit 2, visit 3, visit 4+
Dialysis Unit Admission Report: Lists patients added to OP dialysis with start/admit date between selected dates for all/selected locations). Columns include the Location/unit name, day/shift, start date, start reason, Pt ID & name, provider, and date added. There is a summary w count of patients at the end of the report.
Hospital Census - Lists hospital patients for the selected date and location. Columns include the location, admit & discharge dates, room, patient ID & name, attending & referring physicians, any custom fields.
Hospital Census Summary – Shows a count of patients in the selected hospital(s) on the selected date.
Hospital Disposition Report – Lists patients that meet the date, location, & disposition selected. Columns include location, Patient ID & name, admit & discharge dates, discharge reason, and discharging physician.
Hospitalized Dialysis Patients Report: Lists dialysis patients with an open hospital stay for the selected date & location. Columns include location, admit & discharge date, room, Patient ID & name.
Less Than 4 Visits: Lists patients on dialysis census that do not have 4 or more visits between selected dates. Columns include location, treatment days & shift, Pt ID & name, visit count, MCP date, hospital name & hospital admit/discharge dates if appropriate.
Missing MCP Report: Lists patients with at least one dialysis visit, but no MDP visit for selected date range & location. Columns include the Unit/Location, default provider, start date, Pat ID & name, seen date, & visit type (list patient multiple times if multiple visits)
No Visits Report: Lists patients who have no dialysis visits between selected dates for the selected Unit/location. Columns include the location, start date, start reason, Pt ID, & Patient Name.
Office Follow Up Report: The report pulls data from the requested follow ups. Columns include Pt ID & name, pt phone, office assigned for the visit, provider to be seen, when, reason, comments, status (rejected/approved/pending), requested by, & date requested.
Stay Provider Visit Summary Report – Lists dialysis visit count by provider for selected date range. Columns include Patient ID & name, # visits, MCP Date, dialysis day & shift, provider seen, location, visit date & type.
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