Get Started


Learn the basics of setting up MD Coder and submitting your first charge

System Requirements
  • iOS: 9.x and above
  • Android: 6.x and above
  • Recommended browsers: IE11+, Chrome 30+, Firefox 27+
iOS or Android

  1. Have your MD Coder username and password handy
  2. Download the MD Coder 10 application from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android)
  3. Open MD Coder 10 and enter in your username and temporary password (you will be asked to set a secure password on first login).
  4. Enable FaceID or fingerprint authentication for maximum security
  5. Allow push notification to get hand-off and message alerts

Web Portal
No installation is needed for accessing the MD Coder Web Portal.

  1. Navigate to:
  2. Enter in your username and temporary password (you will be asked to set a secure password on first login).

  Sign up for a free training for MD Coder

MDTech is happy to provide free, regularly recurring product training for our online services.

Physician Training

New to MD Coder? Learn how to manage your patient list and capture charges using key features and best practices.

Administrator Training

This training is targeted to MD Coder admins who manage their organization's MD Coder services. Join a 30-minute overview on how to activate employee login credentials, configure the Admin Center, run reports, and gain best practices. The overview will conclude with an option to schedule a 1:1 meeting for advanced questions.

Sign up for a free training now! (coming soon)

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