Charge Entry


Find Patient

  1. Enter the address of the MD Coder Web Application into your Internet browser:
  2. From the login screen, enter your Username and Password, and then click “Login”.
    NOTE: If your initial screen is not the Patients page, this can be changed by clicking on the My Account link in the upper right corner of the screen. Go to User Preferences and change the Default Initial View.
  3. Click on the Patients tab, you will be on the Search tab.
  4. Enter the last name of the patient into the search field & click Search. You can also enter a partial name: example - mart, jo to search for John Martin.
  5. Click the Jump to Charges link to the left of the patient name if you wish to clone an existing charge.  Click Add Charge to open a pop-up window to create a new charge.
    If you clicked Jump to Charges, you will see a list of charges already entered. From this screen, you can enter a new charge or clone an existing charge.

To enter a new charge

  1. Click the Add Charge button above the patient name:
  2. Confirm the date of service and location.
  3. You can enter the diagnosis codes first, or choose them from the drilldown after you click Add CPT.  You also have a preference that can be set to copy ICD codes from the last charge for the patient:

    You will get a new line to enter the CPT.  By hovering the mouse pointer over the word Search, you will see a dropdown to choose CPT Search, Favorites, the E&M, or the Specialty drilldown (this will be your custom drilldown). These are the same drilldowns that are on the phone.  When selected, a smaller window will open for you to select the categories & CPT code you need, then choose the diagnosis codes, just as you do on the mobile app.  If more than one CPT code is needed, click Add CPT again.  Additional CPTs will use the same ICD codes selected for the first charge.
  4. When all CPT & ICD codes are entered, click Save.

To clone an existing charge

  1. When you click on the Jump the Charges link, you will see all charges that have been entered for the patient so far.  You can clone an existing charge by clicking the Clone button on the far right of the CPT code:
  2. The Web Portal will copy the charge. If the physician is entering the charge, the Rendering Physician field will not show; if a biller is entering the charge for the physician - they will need to select the physician.  You can also choose to save the charge to Draft status or to Submit status.
  3. Click Save when completed.
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1 comment
  • When one of the physicians are trying to enter a charge and the patient shows in red it won't let him put the charge in.

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