Editing Favorites


Favorites can be added by each person individually, but can also be added for everyone, or for selected users by the practice admin.

Adding codes to Favorites

To modify your own Favorites, click on Code Manager, then choose either CPT or ICD10, as needed.
If you need several codes in a series, enter a partial code number so you can select several codes at once.  Click the Action box for each code you want to select:

Click the Apply button to the right of Add to My Favorites.

The practice admin can add/remove Favorites for other users or for everyone by using the Practice Level option.

To add favorites for other users under the admin login, click on Code Manager, and then choose either CPT or ICD, as needed.
If you need several codes in a series, enter a partial code number so you can select several codes at once.  Click the Action box for each code you want to select:
Change the Add to My Favorites dropdown to Assign Favorites to Users, then choose the user – or choose APPLY TO PRACTICE LEVEL to assign the selected codes to all users.  Click Apply to assign the codes:

Removing Codes from Favorites

Codes are removed from Favorites in much the same way they are added.  Go to Code Manager and click on CPT Favorites or ICD10 Favorites.  Locate the code(s) you wish to remove & click the checkbox on the far left of each code to be removed.  Click the Apply button to the right of Remove from Favorites.

For an Admin to remove codes from someone's favorites, you would go to Code Manager & choose CPT or ICD10 Favorites.  Select a user profile from the My Favorites dropdown & click Apply.  This will show you the Favorites list for the selected person. Locate the code(s) you wish to remove & click the checkbox on the far left of each code to be removed.  Click the Apply button to the right of Remove from Favorites.

Editing Favorites for Custom Descriptions

CPT & ICD favorites can be edited to use any description you would like to see, instead of the standard descriptions.  To make these changes, click on Code Manager, and then choose either CPT or ICD, as needed, then click the Enter New Codes button.
A large field will open to provide a space to type in the information you need to update the codes showing in Favorites.  Any new description entered here will overwrite the current entry in Favorites.
This screen shows the Favorites codes before the descriptions are changed:
Enter the code, the short description, a long description, then a category separated by a comma – do not space after the commas.  ​Note: if there is a common within the description, you will need to enclose the description in quotes. Example: 40700,"Repair, Cleft Lip","Repair, Cleft Lip",Category

Click Apply – when you look at the CPT Favorites list now, you will see the new description:

Update Descriptions in Favorites for Custom Descriptions and/or Categories

You can update descriptions or add categories in multiple ways:

  • Type the custom descriptions with categories into the Add New Codes text box as shown above
  • Edit existing codes in Favorites to change the description or add a category
  • Upload a list of codes with custom descriptions and categories

If you wish to type the new codes into the Add New Codes text box, there are some rules for the formatting you need to follow.  The format to enter new codes with categories is:


Notice that there is NO space after the comma.  In addition, if there is a comma in the description or category, the text must be in quotes.  For example:

E03.9,”Hypothyroidism, unspecified”,”Hypothyroidism, unspecified”,”Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic”

If you would like to edit existing codes to change a description or add a category, you would follow these steps:

  1. Go to Favorites
  2. Hold your mouse over the code you wish to update until you see a small paper icon to the right of the code number:
  3. Click on the paper icon to open the edit window; enter the category and make any changes to the description, then click Update to save the change:

Note: this change affects ONLY the selected Favorites list.  To expand the change to other user’s lists, you will need to copy the list from this user to whoever else needs the change.

To upload a list of codes with custom descriptions and/or categories, you need to create the list in a spreadsheet:


short description

long description



Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation

Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation

A Fib


Persistent atrial fibrillation

Persistent atrial fibrillation

A Fib


Chronic atrial fibrillation

Chronic atrial fibrillation

A Fib


Save the spreadsheet as a .csv (comma separated value) file.

Open the .csv file in Notepad++.  This application will automatically add the quotes needed for any descriptions or categories that contain a comma to upload correctly.

(Notepad++ is a free download; it can be obtained at https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/ )

Copy the text from Notepad++ and paste it into the text box opened by clicking on the Add New Codes button:

Change the dropdown from Add to My Favorites to Assign Favorites to User(s) and choose the users from the new field that opens.  Click Apply.

To edit existing Favorites & add a Category for a single user, go to the user’s Favorites list – click on CPT Favorites or ICD Favorites, select the user from the dropdown that says “My Favorites” and click Apply to display that user’s list. Hover the mouse over the line where you want to add a category until you see a paper icon appear to the left of the code:

Click on the icon to open the code detail, then add the Category description you need & click the Update button.


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