Discharging/Removing Patients from the Mobile List


Discharging/Removing Patients from the Mobile List


This article will walk you through discharging a patient with and without billing a discharge code.


Discharging with a Code

To discharge a patient with a discharge code, simply enter a discharge code during the regular charge entry process.

Manual Discharge

  1. You can also discharge a patient by swiping the patient to the left, tapping the More button.
  2. Choose Discharge Patient from the menu.
  3. You may select a discharge code or leave the code field blank.




To customize your discharge code preferences, please contact your account manager

  • change your practice's discharge codes.
  • delay discharge patient removal from active list.


By default, when a patient is discharged, they will automatically drop off of your active list.

Manual Removal

  1. Swipe the patient you wish to remove to the right.
  2. Tap the red Delete button.
  3. If the patient has un-submitted charges, you will be prompted to submit the charges before the patient can be removed.

When you submit your charges for the patient and a discharge code is included, the patient will also be removed from your device. Your entire patient list is always searchable from your device. Removing a patient from your device list does not delete the patient from your database.





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