MD Coder Web Portal - Office Staff Overview


Office Staff Quick Start Guide

MD Coder URL:

  1. Enter the address of the MD Coder Web Application into your Internet browser:
  2. From the login screen, enter your User name and Password, and then click “Login”.

NOTE: The default screen for billing staff is the Charges page, but this can be changed by clicking on the My Account link in the upper right corner of the screen. Go to User Preferences and change the Default Initial View.

Registering a Patient:

  1. Search for the patient using the search engine. Performing a search before entering new patient information is a best practice that will prevent the entry of duplicate patients. You may search by patient first or last name, or use the
    Search drop-box to select other search options.
  2. If the patient name is not returned as a search result, proceed with adding the patient. Click the Add Patient button on the top left of the screen.
  3. Next, in the Patient Demographics screen, create a new patient record by entering, at minimum, the required information for your practice, as indicated by an asterisk.
  4. When you’ve completed the patient data entry, click Save. The system will confirm that the information was saved

NOTE: The Save button will not be enabled if all required information has not been entered.

To sync this patient to the provider’s mobile device, click in the Physician Active List and choose the physician who will see the patient, or click All.

Sorting and Customizing the Patient List:
The patient list can be sorted by any of the column headers that are hyperlinked – click on the column headers to sort the patients by the desired item.

Customize which columns are visible by clicking the Customize button at the top of the patients page, then check off the columns you would like to appear in the list. Un-check those you wish to hide.

Synchronizing Patients to a Mobile Device:

Bulk Sync

  1. Go to the Patients page of MD Coder. Search for the desired patient.
  2. Select the checkboxes next to the patient(s) you wish to synchronize to the device.
  3. Select “Add to Active List” or "Remove from Active List" from the Apply Action drop-down list.
  4. Select the provider(s) who will treat the patient or "All Providers".
  5. Click the “Apply” button. The sync will happen immediately. 

Individual Sync

  1. Go to the Patients page of MD Coder. Search for the desired patient.
  2. Toggle the status switch to add/remove the patient from the owning provider's active list.



Charge Workflow:
NOTE: Only staff with the “collector” role may Approve or Reject charges.

Charges submitted by the physician on their device will appear in the Submitted Charges page, after the physician has submitted the charges from the phone. Charges appearing in the Draft charge status are normally charges that have not been submitted from the provider’s phone. From the Submitted charge screen, you will approve or reject charges as needed.

To change the status of a charge to “Approved” or “Rejected”, checkmark the box beside the “Edit” link

  • Go to the dropdown menu under the navigation tabs that says “Your Action” and select “Change Status to”. You will then be able to select Approved or Rejected.
    • If a charge is approved, it will be moved from the Submitted to the Approved folder.
    • If a charge is rejected, you will need to add a Workflow note to indicate why. The charge can then be edited by the physician on the Web Portal, if needed, and sent back to Submit status.
  • You may also archive charges in the Approved tab by selecting the desired charges (select all charges in the status with the “Select All” function) and in the dropdown menu “Your Action”, “Change Status to” Archived.

Printing a Charge Report - General:
The patient charge report provides a list of charges and patient demographic information for the associated charges. The report is typically used to enter charges into a practice management system.
NOTE: You will need PDF reader software (i.e. Adobe Reader) to view the report. Visit their websites to download their software. –

  1. On the Reports page, select the Charge Capture tab, then the Patient Charge report tab.
  2. Select the charge status that you would like to report on by clicking on it (this is the only required filter for the report). To select multiple statuses, hold down the Shift key while clicking on the status.

Important Information

  • If the “Mark as Printed” checkbox is selected, the charges will not appear in the next charge report.
  • Under “Optional Filters”, you may apply one or more different filters:
    • Use the Chart No. to print a report for a single patient.
    • Use the Date of Service to print a report based on procedure dates.
    • Use the Created Date to print a report based on when the charge was submitted to the server from a device or entered directly on the web and saved.
    • To print a report for all locations, leave the Location option as is. If you select all locations, charges with unassigned locations will not be printed.
    • Use the Discharged patient filter to report only on discharged patients.
  • Under “Optional Filters”, you may also change the way the data is output in the report.
    • Use “Grouping and Sorting” to order charges based on various criteria. ASC=Ascending, DESC=Descending.
    • Use “Output Options” to select the desired “Note Type” to print. There are three note options: Patient (patient demographics record), Visit (visit record, i.e. location, admission/discharge dates), and Charge (charge record).
    • Use “User Defined Fields” to print custom fields for your practice, if applicable.
  • In “Output Options”, if applicable, you’ll need to select the appropriate note type to have it appear in the report.
    •   The default is Charge Notes.
    • If the “Add a page break to every group” option is checked on, a new page will start every time a new entry for the Group by selection begins. For example, if Patient Last Name is selected as the Group by, a new page will be started for each new patient, as determined by patient last name.
  • In “User Defined Fields”, if applicable, select the custom field to be printed. As with Notes, these fields may be associated with the patient demographic, visit, or charge record.
  • If you run a report with filters on a regular basis, use the “Add to my Reports” button to add it to your My Reports tab.

Printing a Charge Report – Example: Generate a Patient Charge Report on Approved charges, for Date of Service 03-01-2014 to 07-01-2014 grouped by Patient Last Name, sorted by Rendering Provider.

  1. Login and go to Reports/Charge Capture/Patient Charge Report.
  2. Select “Approved” or “Submitted” for status filter (NOTE: Hold down your control button to select both Approved and Submitted). Submit = charge entered/synced by the physician(s), Approved = charges completed by the staff member.
  3. Click the “Optional Filters” link. Then fill in the “Date of Service” 03-01-2011 to 03-15-2011 by direct entry or with the calendar button.
  4. Change “Sort by” to Rendering Provider and “Group by” to Last Name. Note: ‘Group by” always takes precedence over “Sort by”.
  5. Checkmark “Add Page Break to Every Group” if this option is not already selected.
  6. Hit “View Report”. Your report will generate. You can scroll or search (use control+F) to search for a specific patient and print/save that page.

Editing Charges:

  1. To edit a charge, click “Edit” within the desired charge.
  2. Make the necessary changes to the Case, Encounter, Diagnosis, and/or Procedures. You can also change the charge status as desired under “Workflow”.

NOTE: To add or edit Charge Notes, use the button on the bottom left of the Procedures section to make the field visible.

Editing Your User Profile (password or other preferences)

  1. Login to MD Coder and go to the “My Account” link (top right corner).
  2. The “Account Information” page is displayed.
  3. Make all of the necessary changes to the information.
  4. Change the specialty on the ASP charge drilldown by clicking the down arrow and selecting a different specialty from the list.
  5. Click the “Save” button to save the new information.
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