Practice Admin Overview
The practice admin for MD Coder has access to several functions that will be described in this document. To access these functions, click on Administration in the upper right corner of the window, or on System>Administration on the toolbars.
Administration Tab
User Setup – add a new user by clicking the Add User button, or by Cloning an existing user.
- You also have the option to “log in as” a user to do troubleshooting or testing, if needed.
- Also under User Setup is access to Groups. The group setting is where privileges can be set that define whether or not all physicians receive the same patient list (Group Sync), what items can be shared between users in that group (Share Charges, Share Visits), and whether an owning physician can be changed or if the X-cover function is being used within the group.
- Multiple groups can be created if you have physicians who are separated into separate functional groups who do not need access to the patients & charges from the other functional groups. If you have multiple groups, the physicians in one group would be able to see the patient information, but not charges & visits created by the other group(s). Billers can be members of multiple groups to allow them access to all charges.
User Fields – you can create User Defined Fields to gather any information not standard to MD Coder. When the field is created, a privilege must also be created to access the field, then the privilege is assigned to the group(s) that will use the field. To create a new field...
- Using the check-boxes on the field creation screen, the field can be required, or set to be an indicator & marked to display on either the patient list or the Date/Location screen on the phone app.
- The Label is the field description that will appear on the Web Portal & the phone app.
- Several Display Types are available, and the field can be set to several levels in the patient record under Type of Object:
- Additional fields will become available, depending on the selections made for these options.
- The next step in making the new field available is to assign it to a Privilege:
- The last step in the process is to assign the privilege to the appropriate group(s):
Manage Keywords – this function allows you to modify the keyword search on the Web Portal.
- Please note: it does not affect the code search function on the phone app.
- To modify the list, search for & select a code. When you click on the code number, the Keyword list will populate on the right side of the screen.
- To add a new word, type it in the field just above the list & click the + button. To remove a keyword, click on the word in the list, then click the – button. Click Save when changes are completed.
Mail Setting – this setting controls whether or not billing/collector users receive email notification for new charges; it will not affect the secure messaging function.
Charge Exporting – used for an interfaced charge export. This tab is no longer used; all setting are controlled in the interface set up.
Patient Archiver – set whether or not patient demographics will be archived after the selected number of days. The data is still available, but the patient will not appear on the ALL tab under Patients.
Bundle Management – used to create charge bundles that will roll several charges into a single selection. The charge bundle will ‘explode’ when charges are submitted to the Web Portal.
Form Field Management – this tab allows you to control what fields are visible on the phone app.
- Select one of the form types shown to see what fields are listed. Each field can be set to display (true), not display (false), or be required (required) on the phone app:
PDA Configurations – this setting can be used to push the fields showing on the patient list for the phone app from the server. Please contact MD Tech for assistance with this setting.
Export Charge Report Management – set an email address to be notified when charges export & receive a report of any errors.
Physician Follow Up Request Template – create the follow up requests for physicians to choose from the phone app.
Collector Follow Up Request Template – create templates for the biller/collector to use to respond to follow up requests received from the physician(s).
- Under the Settings tab
Locations – add or edit the locations where patients are seen. Please note: if you have an ADT interface, the location description must match the location description in the other system.
Service Groups – used to limit access to patients. If the practice has several different physicians or physician groups that do not share patient lists, the Service Groups can be used to limit user access to the patients assigned to the service group.
Unmapped HL7 Locations/Patients/Referring/Rendering tabs – these will show any errors in the interface. Check them regularly & notify MD Tech if any entries are found.
Case Types – use this tab to add/remove the different case types used in the practice.
Entities – these are physicians outside the practice that may appear on the patient record. Physicians can be added here, or from the phone app.
Discharge codes – the codes that are pre-set in MD Coder that will trigger the entry of a discharge date, and removal of the patient from the list on the phone app are shown here. If you want a custom code that will do the same thing – enter it here. The new code will also need to be added to Favorites for all users.
Initial and Subsequent Alert Codes – use this tab to create warning flags on Submitted charges if a subsequent visit code is entered without an initial visit code.
Home Tab
In addition to these tabs that are available ONLY to the admin, under the Home tab, the admin has access to manage favorites for all users.
- Favorites can be added by each person individually, or can be added for everyone or for selected users by the practice admin.
- To add favorites for other users under the admin login, click on Home, and then choose either CPT or ICD, as needed.
- If you need several codes in a series, enter a partial code number so you can select several codes at once. Click the Action box for each code you want to select:
- Change the Add to My Favorites dropdown to Assign Favorites to Users, then choose the user – or choose APPLY TO PRACTICE LEVEL to assign the selected codes to all users. Click Apply to assign the codes:
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